Jan 19, 2010

LuLu's Pumpkin Soup

Ingredients: pumpkin, potato, cashew nut, cooking oil, water, salt & pepper.

Cook all ingredients and cook for 20 mins, then pulverize it to serve.

This is the first time I try to make pumpkin soup. Still can do it better next time! Anyway, success for the first tried! \(^_^)/

Jan 15, 2010

Lulu's Chocolate Cake

The ingredients of Chocolate Cake is 125g butter, 2 eggs, 100g milk, 1/2 tsp Vanilla essence, 125g sugar, 125g self-raising flour and 30g cocoa powder.

Melt the butter inside the TM bowl for 2 mins at 60 C with speed 4. Then add in remaining ingredients to mix for 30 sec with speed 5. Lastly bake the mixture in centre of pre-heated oven (180 C) for 25-35 mins.

Dust with icing sugar and serve. It's delicious while still warm with cream. It can be ready to serve in just 40 mins.

Jan 14, 2010

LuLu's Stir-Fry Beef With Ginger (姜丝炒牛肉片)

Ingredients: sliced beef (or pork meat), sliced ginger, sesame oil

Seasonings for meat: sesame oil, dark & light soy sauce, salt & cornflour

Sliced ginger.

Marinade the meat seasonings for about 15 minutes.

The ingredients.

Saute the ginger with sesame oil, then put in meat to fry for about 3 mins.

This is one of my favorite food. It's yummy and easy to cook and serve oh.... ^_^